Frequently Asked Questions

What is involved in a Nutrition consultation?

An initial nutrient consultation with Lynn will last approximately 45 minutes and is essentially all about you. Main topics covered are: the reason why you’ve booked, a brief history of health, your dietary preferences and some lifestyle topics such as sleep, movement and stress.

How do I prepare for my first consultation?

Fill in all forms asked for and, if you can, upload recent blood tests from your GP. Providing details of medicine or supplements taken is also important.

How many appointments will I need?

Number or frequency of appointments needed are dependent on goals and reason for consultation. In general, a two week follow up appointment with monthly check ins are recommended. For weight loss, more frequent consults are recommended.

Do I need to keep a food diary?

Food diaries are a great way for your nutritionists to assess what you are eating across a week, and are more accurate than recall. If weight loss is the goal, research has shown that those who kept a food diary lost more weight as those that did not ( AND

If keeping a food diary will be beneficial, there are options of online and paper to make it as easy as possible.

Will I need lots of testing?

Depending on why you are booking to see a nutritionist, further testing may be recommended. Blood tests from your GP can provide a lot of information, but many other tests are available. These range from food sensitivity testing to microbiome mapping to hormone testing to hair mineral analysis. All tests have a place, but will only be recommend if necessary - and you are happy with getting them done.

Will I be asked to make a lot of changes?

The initial consultation is essentially to work together to achieve health goals, not for me to tell you what to do. Change only works when it is (a) necessary and (b) sustainable.

Do I have to take lots of supplements?

Supplements have a time and a place. In todays world we are challenged to eat the right foods to give us what we need to thrive. In times of stress or health challenges sometimes we need some extra support. I will only recommend supplements if they are necessary. The reason I am recommending them will be explained and you are under no obligation to take any.

Will I need to stop eating all my favourite foods?

It depends what your favourite foods are! I’m assuming sugar, pizza, alcohol and cheese are top of this list!

Depending what your challenges are, you may need to stop eating certain foods for a period of time. This is a partnership. I will explain why I ask for certain foods (if any) to be stopped, but we will work together to agree a plan that works for you.